For the benefit of those who are new to worshiping God with flag, worship flags waving can initially be quite challenging. The thoughts that often come to mind is how others will look at you? Am I disturbing the quiet sacred moments of fellow worshiper?

My initial thoughts were, worship flags are for professional dancer or at least for people with some dance background.
My introduction to worshiping with worship flags begins when I entered an unconventional seminary in Melaka, Malaysia where the students starts their day with a morning harp & bowl worship at 6.30 am, five days a week for full hour.
I would watch young lady worshipers rising up to offer their lives before the Lord in dances and often also in prophetic singing in heavenly languages. My spirit would yearn to be able to do that too and yet I remained steadfastly frozen in my seats.
Not until one morning a fellow student hand me a scarf to join them in their worship. My initial response is “You got to be joking”, me?, a 50+ old man letting loose? This is so unbecoming.
The first few lesson I learn is to relax and be myself. Just flow with the music. No one is watching you. They are all too busy enjoying themselves before the Lord.
I must admit, dancing before the Lord with a scarf is still too much for me. I did however got a hang on flags. I would withdraw my self each morning to a corner and begin to sing along in the spirit and begin to experiment with different moves with my flags.
Before long I am completely lost and begin to spin around and round in complete abandon before the Lord.
I then realize what is it like to dance as David dance before the Lord. To be able to give your all in every expression including you body as a sacrifice of worship to the Lord is life transforming.
Life transforming not because we dance, life transforming because we allow the Holy Spirit to flow through our veins in expressing our highest praise to him.I then discovered the Holy Spirit loves to dance too. Father in heaven would rather have me come before Him like a child than an old man frozen to my seats.
Like an eagle souring in the wind, I would begin to attempt new heights to experience the sheer joy of being one in the spirit with Him.
5 minutes become 15 minutes and soon one full hour of pure worship is not even tiring. I then realize, life at 50 is only the beginning if you let Him has his way. Why wait until you are 50 like me? Take back the springs of your life!