Common Symbols found in Worship Flags
Arc of Covenent

Christ our security, strength, and deliverance; the Lord as totally man yet totally God; the Lord’s seat of authority; man as God’s dwelling place; intermediary or middleman; square container; baptism (Noah); heaven; atonement; holiness; God’s law; understanding God’s will; remembering His provision; covenant; testimony; authority.
(2 Chron. 6: 41; Ex 25: 16, 21; 16: 33, 34; 25: 22; 30: 6; 1 Sam. 6: 19; Lev. 16: 2, 14-17; 1 Peter 3: 20, 21; Heb. 9: 4; Num. 10: 33; 17: 10)

Omniscience, knowledge, sight, insight, foresight. Longing for God; unnatural desire for someone else’s possession; intense desire; lust of the eye; the window to the heart; depth and maturity of spiritual things; ability to see beyond the norm; knowledge and understanding revealed; illumination and future glory; unworthiness for service; the state of one’s moral behavior;
(Num. 24: 3; Rev. 1: 7; Judges 17: 6; 7: 17; Is. 29: 18; 33: 17; 42: 6-7; 52: 8; 2 Chron. 16: 9; Ps. 19: 8; 32: 8; 33: 18; Hab. 1: 13; 1 Sam. 18: 9; 2 Peter 2: 14; 1 John 2: 16; Eph. 1: 18; 6: 6; 1 Cor. 2: 9; Is. 52: 8; Jer. 9: 1; Matt. 5: 38; 6: 22, 23; 7: 3-5; 13: 15; Mark 8: 17-18)

Presence of God, Holiness of God, purifying, testing. Heat; burden; trial; persecution; words or the tongue; burning fervency; emotion, longing, aching and craving; power; Holy Spirit; angels; Christ Jesus; evil speaking; renewal in the hearts of men; anger to violence; envy; discord; affliction; removal of impurities.
(1 Sam. 17: 40; Matt. 3: 11; 14: 17-21; 25: 2, 15-20; Luke 12: 49-53; 19: 18-19; Jer. 5: 14; 23: 29; Ex. 22: 6; Prov. 6: 27, 28; 26: 20; James 3: 5-6; 1 Cor. 7: 9; Ps. 79: 5; 89: 46; Zech. 2: 5; Is. 43: 2; 6: 5-7; Heb. 1: 7; 12: 39; Mal. 3: 2; Acts 2: 3; Song 8: 6; Rev. 19: 20; 20: 10, 14; 21: 8)

Soaring in the Spirit; good or evil leader; strength, power, and swiftness in both judgment and in delivering God1s people from trouble; the United States of America; Prophet of God. (Isaiah 40: 31, 46: 11; Jer. 48: 40, Ez. 17: 3, 7; Ex. 19: 4; Rev. 12: 14)

Royalty and Kingship bravery, confidence. Jesus; conqueror; overcoming bold saints; Satan the devourer; warrior; transformation; victory; persecution; dominions of the world; Antichrist.
(Ez. 1: 10; Prov. 28: 1;30: 30; Is. 11: 6-8; John 18: 37; Rev. 5: 5; 13: 2; 17: 14; 19: 16; 1 Peter 5: 8; Ps. 22: 13; 91: 13; Dan. 7: 1-4)

Scriptures, Christ. Also see Knife: Word of God; utensil for warfare; ruling over the wicked; judgment of the flesh; words that are faultfinding; prophetic words that cut away flesh; vengeance of God; one who is in mental agony; victory through the Word of God; enforcing compliance by threatening; conflict; oppressive conduct in order to persecute.
(Eph. 6: 17; Ps. 64: 3; Du. 32: 41; Josh. 5: 13; 6: 21; Prov. 5: 3-4; 12: 18; Rom. 13: 4; Luke 2: 35; Rev. 6: 4)

The Holy Spirit; peace and new life; a sin offering; burnt offering; cleansing; mercy. (Gen. 8: 8-12; Matt. 3: 16; 10: 16; Lev. 5: 7-14, 14: 21-22; John 1: 32)

Authority or Reward: Rule; honor; glory; power; promotion

Emotions, motivation, desires.

Symbol of light (Holy Spirit or the spirit of man).

Covenant: Promise; good; protection; God’s covenant with man; beast and the earth; promise that the storm is over; His throne and glory. Full spectrum of God’s love. Spectrum of God’s wisdom

Another explanation for the name Yehoshua is that it comes from the root ישע yod-shin-‘ayin, meaning “to deliver, save, or rescue”. … The name Yeshua is a shortened version of the name Yehoshua or Joshua and is the literal Hebrew word for Salvation.